Durov noted that Telegram will leave those countries where it is not possible to agree on “the right balance between privacy and security.”
Telegram messenger founder Pavel Durov has made the first statement after his high-profile arrest in France. He said he was questioned by the police for four days after his arrival in Paris. He wrote about it online on Thursday, September 5th.
“I was told that I could be personally responsible for the illegal use of Telegram by others, because the French authorities did not receive answers from Telegram,” he wrote.
According to him, it surprised him for several reasons. Durov noted that Telegram has an official representative in the EU who responds to requests from the EU, and that his email address is publicly available. Second, as Durov wrote, the French authorities had many ways to contact him “to ask for help.”
“As a French citizen, I often visit the French Consulate in Dubai. A few hours ago, when I was asked, I personally helped them set up a Telegram hotline to fight the threat of terrorism in France,” he continued.
Durov noted that if a country is dissatisfied with an Internet service, the established practice is to initiate a lawsuit against the service itself.
The messenger’s author added that striking the right balance between privacy and security is “not easy,” as privacy laws need to be reconciled with the requirements of law enforcement agencies, and local laws with laws of the EU.
It became known that on the evening of August 24, the French channel TF1 reported that the 39-year-old founder and CEO of Telegram messenger Pavel Durov was detained at the Paris airport.
The prosecutor’s office reported that Durov could face 12 charges at once. These include “complex possession, distribution, offering or giving of pornographic images of minors as part of an organized group.”
Investigators say the tools offered by Telegram (such as a disposable number) make Durov complicit in drug trafficking, crimes against children and fraud.
It was also reported that Durov is believed to be seeking to meet Kremlin boss Vladimir Putin in Baku
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Source: korrespondent
I am David Wyatt, a professional writer and journalist for Buna Times. I specialize in the world section of news coverage, where I bring to light stories and issues that affect us globally. As a graduate of Journalism, I have always had the passion to spread knowledge through writing.