Love, health, environment… Your horoscope for the week of September 6 to 12 by renowned astrologer Nadine de Lydekerke.
Moon Sign: Virgo (August 22 to September 22)
It’s your birthday (2nd decan) : This year, you will be able to get more seriously involved in partnerships (private or professional), or on the contrary, stop relationships that no longer suit you. You will also have the opportunity to expand your horizons through travel, reading or teaching. From June, Jupiter will promote your career and the success of your undertakings. Love is best in November and December. The tone is highest in the summer of 2025.
For everyone : You won’t communicate easily on the 8th, but with Mercury in your sign on the 9th, everything will change. You can achieve great things if you focus, but jumping from one idea to another can also cause nervous exhaustion. If so, take time to rest with Saturn on the 11th, defend your ideas better on the 12th, don’t tell on the 8th, speak with an open heart. 9th.
Aries (March 20 to April 19)
Trying to better balance professional and family life, you will question yourself on the 7th and may think about reorganizing your home. From the 9th, you will strive to improve your work tools and take more care of your well-being. This is the time to go on a diet or exercise more to maintain tone. your loves? Feeling lonely at 8? It will only be temporary. On the 12th, you will rediscover the joy of being together.
Taurus (April 19 to May 20)
Venus, your planet, makes your everyday life smile. You will go to the office humming in a happy mood. Use Jupiter on the 6th to appreciate your assets and grow them. In matters of love, your plans as a couple may go awry on the 8th, but with Mercury on the 9th, you’ll be more aware of how you feel and be able to start off on the right foot if you want to. From 11 you will have the opportunity. Your loves will gain strength on the 12th.
Gemini (May 20 to June 20)
With Jupiter in your sign (this happens every twelve years), you see things big, you want to do what you want, never doubting that you will achieve your goals. However, be careful with your outbursts on the 7th and use the insight that the 9th will bring you to Mercury, your planet, to avoid taking on too ambitious projects. In love, ups and downs: excitement, doubts on the 8th and 9th. joy, seriousness on the 10th and 11th.
Cancer (June 20 to July 22)
If Mars is in your sign, your energy is high. You want to show the world what you can do. Conversely, with Jupiter you need to isolate yourself to think about the spiritual side of life. It is not easy to reconcile these conflicting needs. Let Saturn teach you about yourself. Love and joy may guide your choices on the 11th, doing everything to tempt you into the warm nights ahead.
Leo (July 22 to August 22)
The Sun, your planet, helps you assess your values, your finances, and your security needs. You may need to consider new directions if the future worries you on the 7th, but using the insight and efficiency of Mercury on the 9th to manage your assets and develop your talents, we’ll see you excited to move forward on the 12th; However, beware of getting carried away. From the 11th, your loves will take a new direction, but don’t make promises you won’t be able to keep on the 12th.
Libra (September 22 to October 22)
With Mars fueling your ambitions, you’ll feel like you can move mountains on the 8th, any changes with Uranus will be very interesting. With Venus in your sign (this happens once a year), you will be in a happy mood. Your magnetism and your power of attraction will be great. You will feel beautiful or beautiful and you will enjoy it. There will be excitement in the air on the 8th, and perhaps manipulation games on the 9th, but on the 11th your discussions with Saturn will deepen and your relationships will consolidate.
Scorpio (October 22 to November 21)
Mars, your planet, retrograde in the thoughtful and reflective sign of Capricorn will plunge you into intense reflection. This will help you better understand your mindset and the changes you need to make in the way you express yourself to make yourself heard better. Mars will also give you an enthusiasm for learning and expanding your field of awareness through travel, reading or teachings. The 12th will be especially inspiring in love, some disappointments in the 8th, but a big performance in the 9th.
Sagittarius (November 21 to December 21)
It is not easy to combine the pursuit of your ambitions and the resumption of your activities with a family life that is still tinged with the good times of shared vacations that you would like to extend. Disappointments may arise on the 8th, but they will be quickly forgotten, as the sparkling Mercury on the 9th will take your mind off everything, awakening new interests in you. On the 12th, you will move forward happily, full of vigor and energy. your loves? Mars inflames them, Eros strengthens them. No more modesty on the 7th, 8th, 9th and 12th.
Capricorn (December 21 to January 19)
The Sun invites you to travel, enrich yourself with new meetings and experiences. Pluto back in your sign helps you better understand your deepest motivations and discover the riches hidden within you. The constraints of everyday life can dampen your enthusiasm on the 8th, but from the 9th Mercury will awaken your desire to learn, and on the 12th you will happily pursue new avenues of knowledge. You share many touching moments with your loved one on the 8th and tender sides on the 10th.
Aquarius (January 19 to February 18)
You don’t like restrictions, and even less routine. Do you really want to move, change your home or renovate it… but do your finances allow you to make the desired expenses? Saturn, which encourages you to save rather than spend, may cause disappointments on this topic in the 8th. Mercury starting at 9 can help you negotiate with them. your loves? Full grown on the 6th, colored by your dreams on the 8th, very naughty on the 12th.
Pisces (February 18 to March 20)
Pay attention to your relationships and your professional partnerships this week. This is the time to pay more attention to the other person to improve your relationship, however, feeling that you are not able to achieve what he asks of you on the 8th, you can see everything in gray and doubt yourself. Fortunately, Mercury will help you to analyze the situation in detail from the 9th, and by better understanding what the other person expects, you will be able to take a new path together. your loves? Eroticized by Mars, they could flare up quickly on the 7th, 8th, 9th and 12th.
Source: Le Figaro