Sailors, without proper access to it, were given information about secret data tracking foreign military ships.
Japan has prosecuted more than 200 military personnel, including senior leaders, for mishandling classified information. Reuters wrote this on Friday, July 12.
The incidents have raised doubts about Japan’s ability to handle classified information, which could harm cooperation with the United States.
The head of the Japanese Maritime Defense Forces, Ryo Sakai, has resigned. Other officials were also brought to justice. This comes after reports that sailors were given information about sensitive surveillance data on foreign military vessels without proper access.
The information security concerns come as Japan seeks closer cooperation with the United States and other Western democracies, particularly on intelligence sharing, to coordinate responses to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and escalation of tension with China.
The country passed a new security law in May to tighten rules on how classified information is handled and verified.
Japan also plans to introduce new laws to strengthen information security and combat cyber threats.
The US Department of Defense announced it will deploy 48 F-35A stealth fighters to Misawa Air Base in northeastern Japan’s Aomori prefecture for the first time, as it tries to bolster regional deterrence with its key ally.
The United States, South Korea and Japan have condemned the deepening of military cooperation between the DPRK and Russia, including the continued supply of weapons to the Russian Federation.
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Source: korrespondent

I am David Wyatt, a professional writer and journalist for Buna Times. I specialize in the world section of news coverage, where I bring to light stories and issues that affect us globally. As a graduate of Journalism, I have always had the passion to spread knowledge through writing.