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ISS astronauts found a tomato lost in space

Photo: NASA

In March, a NASA astronaut lost part of the crop and was accused of eating a tomato.

Astronauts on the International Space Station discovered the remains of a small tomato that a colleague accidentally lost while harvesting outside of Earth in March. Space.com reported it.

“Our good friend Frank Rubio, who is back home, has long been accused of eating a tomato. But we can exonerate him. We found the tomato,” NASA astronaut Jasmine Moghbeli said in a live broadcast on Wednesday, December 6.

It is known that eight months ago, each ISS astronaut received a sample of tomatoes after the harvest on March 29, 2023, but one of Frank Rubio’s tomatoes, wrapped in a special bag, flew away and disappeared .

The astronaut first spoke about the missing tomato in September 2023. Then he said that he had been looking for a tomato for several hours and was sure that the vegetable would be found, and then everyone would understand that he did not eat it.

The 1-inch-diameter Red Robin dwarf tomato was part of the final crop for the Veg-05 experiment, which Rubio grew himself despite some difficulties.


It was previously reported that there was a power supply system failure in the American segment of the International Space Station.

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