HomeLifestyleLaima Vaikule sang in...

Laima Vaikule sang in Ukrainian for the first time, which brought Russians into hysterics

Photo: instagram.com/laima_vaikule_official

The celebrity did not hide the fact that he supports Ukraine in the war against Russia. He also canceled all concerts in Russia.

Singer Laima Vaikule performed a song in Ukrainian at one of her concerts.

The star, who openly supports the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the war against Russia, appears in the video wearing a black shirt and skirt, sensually performing the song.

Although the location of the concert was unknown, the video quickly reached Russian media and caused outrage among Russian users. They began to write insulting comments, accusing the singer that due to the lack of Russian tourists in Jurmala, he switched to the Ukrainian audience, “where there are many in Latvia,” and was trying to earn more money.

In turn, Ukrainians were pleasantly surprised, because, as users noted, the singer has never sung in Ukrainian.

Earlier it was reported that Dmitry Monatik pleased the fans with a new version of his cult hit Kruzhit.

Laima Vaikule spoke about the Russians supporting the war in Ukraine
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Source: korrespondent

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