We will celebrate the Bright Resurrection of Christ on April 16, 2023. The Orthodox world is preparing for Easter – one of the biggest Christian holidays.
Easter or Holy Resurrection of Christ is the oldest and most important holiday of Christianity.
It was established in honor of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is the center of all biblical history and the basis of all Christian teaching.
In Orthodoxy, the status of Easter as a major holiday is reflected in the words holiday holidays and celebration of festivals.
On this day, people go to church and dedicate the Easter basket there.
What to keep for Easter
The most important item in the Easter basket is the Easter cake. It symbolizes the body of Jesus Christ.
Another important feature of the basket is colored or painted eggs. They symbolize the Holy Sepulcher.
Also in the Easter set of products should be something dairy. It is Easter cottage cheese, cheese or sour cream.
From meat products, Christians traditionally put lard, boiled pork, sausages (except blood) and smoked meat in the basket.
From alcohol you can only drink Cahors wine.
Salt is also blessed at Easter. They also took horseradish from the basket. It symbolizes the strength of the spirit.
What could not be holy at Easter
It is forbidden to bring material values to the temple – money, keys, jewelry.
Find out how much an Easter basket will cost in 2023
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Source: korrespondent

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