Phobias are one of the most common pathologies in France. Some learn to live with it, others sweep it under the carpet. But sometimes these pathological worries take everything in their way, including the couple.
Baptiste V. is a misophone. The 54-year-old lawyer developed an intolerance to certain sounds, especially body sounds: sniffing, coughing, mouth sounds. For him, dining by candlelight is a punishment. “Over the years, it has become more active. Today I only hear the sounds of my wife chewing. I lose my self-control because I feel like he is chewing loudly on purpose,” he admits. Much to the dismay of his partner, who now prefers to… sit at a separate table. He eats in the kitchen before returning from work, or when he is busy in another room in their house in Mandelieu-la-Maritime deprives the couple of intimacy, sharing and being sociable. It is impossible for them to have dinner or go to a restaurant with friends. Or present compotes and purees to their first grandchild born at the end of summer. “My wife told me that she accepted…
Source: Le Figaro