On Tuesday, August 20, the two actors’ daughter, Stella Banderas, took to her Instagram account with her companion to announce their engagement. A chance for a couple divorced for ten years to reunite to show their happiness.
“She asked… On her knees… She said yes. Stella and Alex are engaged.” Melanie Griffith is excited to announce the engagement of her daughter Stella Banderas. On August 20, the actress published black and white photos of lovers. “Their love story started in kindergarten. True and deep love. I congratulate your loved ones,” reads the inscription. Since 2015, her ex-husband, Antonio Banderas, has not failed to celebrate this event by posting the same photos on his Instagram account. “My daughter Stella del Carmen is getting married. We couldn’t be more happy and excited,” he wrote in the caption.
On Instagram, 27-year-old director Stella Banderas Griffith published a carousel of photos of her childhood sweetheart, Alex Grushinsky. In the first photo, we see Stella’s engagement ring, which is accompanied by this inscription: “I will be able to spend forever with the person I love on earth.” The CEO and co-founder of creative freelancer platform Nova, her future husband proposed to her during a romantic picnic.
Disconnected but united
In 1994, Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith met while filming a romantic comedy. Two Many. Two years later, they were united in marriage, and the actress gave birth to their first daughter, Stella. On June 7, 2014, after twenty years of marriage, they announced their divorce. Despite this separation, the ex-spouses have remained on good terms and continue to contribute heavily to their daughter’s education.
In 2015, they even attended Stella’s high school graduation ceremony. In 2020, the 64-year-old actor spoke on the set of the show El Break de las 7:About Dakota Johnson’s warm relationship with her mother. “Even though we’re legally separated, he’s still part of my family. When I go to Los Angeles, I go see him and I just talked to him on the phone yesterday. Everything happens naturally.”
A family of artists
Stella Banderas seems to be following in her parents’ footsteps. In fact, he has already collaborated with them on several projects. He notably starred in the film Head in a hat box in 1999. After graduating from theater school in 2015, he worked as a second assistant director in a Spanish production. Company: A musical comedy produced by his father in 2021.
for cross-examination American Vogue In 2021, she spoke about her mother-daughter relationship with Melanie Griffith. “She taught me the importance of creating a safe space for myself to find balance and feel grounded.” Producer Don Johnson’s ex-wife answered. I talk to them about everything.” Words that still resonate with him today.
Source: Le Figaro