TESTIMONIALS:- They were born after the death of a sibling; consciously or not, to fill the void. They are called “surrogate children”. How do you build your own identity when you come into the world to replace someone who is gone, when you grow up in the shadow of a dead person?
37-year-old Valentin rings the contents of his right jacket pocket. Nervous Ms. Inside, she always keeps her bottle of anxiety medication to stave off panic attacks. Crises that accompanied him since childhood, since June 17, 1994, the very day when he surprised his mother with tears and realized that before he was born, his parents had another child: an older sister who died in infancy on June 17 from sudden death. syndrome “That day I realized that I was born to replace him,” he adds, patting his pocket. Valentine doesn’t choose a verb randomly. To avoid the immense pain associated with the loss of a child, to fill the inexplicable void, some couples rush to conceive another child and give birth to a so-called “replacement” child without thinking about the harm.
First conceptualized in 1964 by psychologists Albert and Barbara S. Keynes and has since been introduced by many researchers…
Source: Le Figaro