A special tribunal for the crime of aggression against Ukraine will be created as part of the European council.
European countries have identified the basic parameters for creating a special tribunal, which will have the authority to hold the political and military leaders of the Russian Federation with the highest responsibility for the crime of aggression. This was announced the day before the President’s office.
“The legal advisers of the European Commission, the European Foreign Affairs Service, the Council of Europe, Ukraine and 37 states identified the major parameters for creating a special tribunal in the attack of crime against Ukraine, as well as Also the most important element of the Schumann Charter Project – the basic legal document that controls tribunal activities, “the message said.
It is indicated that the Ukrainian delegation at the meeting was chaired by deputy head of presidential office Irina Mudraya.
“This applies not only to Ukraine. It’s about global justice and the message we send to the world. To us in justice.
It was noted that after the start of the job, the tribunal would bring powers held responsible for Russian political and military leaders with the highest responsibility for the crime of invasion.
“When Russia decides to violate Ukraine’s borders, neglecting the UN Charter, it has committed one of the most serious international crimes – the crime of aggression. Now the justice tribunal,” said the European Commission’s president who was already Ursula von Layen.
The Secretary of the General of the European Council, Alain Bersse, called the results of the meeting, to feel the next generation of Ukrainians.
“Creating a special tribunal in the crime of aggression against Ukraine in the European council framework will allow our international partners, in particular, the Ukraine and the European Union, to fully use our experience and knowledge of Protecting human rights and the rules of law worldwide, “Alain Berses added.
Note that in April 2024, 44 countries supported the idea of creating a special tribunal for Russian aggression crime and using freezing possession in favor of Ukraine. They signed an appropriate political declaration at the Hague conference “restoration of justice for Ukraine.”
It was later reported that the European countries had agreed to the general concept of a special tribunal against the Russian Federation.
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Source: korrespondent

I am David Wyatt, a professional writer and journalist for Buna Times. I specialize in the world section of news coverage, where I bring to light stories and issues that affect us globally. As a graduate of Journalism, I have always had the passion to spread knowledge through writing.