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Why is child mortality increasing?

Every year in France, 1,700 babies die before they are 27 days old. According to the latest perinatal health monitoring report published on September 20 by Santé Publique France, there has been a 25% increase in ten years. DROMs are particularly affected. In the overseas territories in 2019, more than four infants out of 1,000 (live*) births died before the first month of life. It is a double metropolis. In addition, there are approximately 7,000 stillbirths across the territory, those who died in the womb or during childbirth (death per birth).

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The evolution of the infant mortality rate in France Public Health France

After twenty years of decline in infant mortality due to effective public policies, especially in terms of prevention and support for infants, how can such an increase in these numbers be explained? On a continental scale, France is one of the worst performers, behind Germany, Spain and the Nordic countries, according to…

Source: Le Figaro

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