In announcing the formation of their group, NASA emphasized that there is no evidence that UFOs are of extraterrestrial origin.
NASA first organized a group that began to investigate UFOs, bringing together experts from various scientific fields, from physics to astrobiology. This was reported by Reuters.
It was found that the group of 16 people focused their research only on declassified observations and other data collected in the civilian government and commercial sectors.
The group’s investigation is separate from the Pentagon’s recent formal investigation into unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAPs, reported by military pilots and reviewed by US Department of Defense and intelligence officials.
The joint effort between NASA and the Pentagon marks a watershed in the US government, which has spent decades suppressing, debunking and discrediting sightings of unidentified flying objects since the 1940s.
NASA also said the experts will spend nine months developing their own strategy for organizing and analyzing the observations before recommending “a roadmap for the agency’s potential future analysis of UAP data .” The first report should be made public in mid-2023.
“Understanding the data we have about undetected atmospheric phenomena is critical in helping us make scientific conclusions about what is happening in our skies. Data is the language of scientists, that makes the inexplicable explainable,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, Associate Administrator NASA.
The committee is chaired by David Spergel, who previously chaired the astrophysics department at Prince University.
Remember that on the territory of Ukraine, on Tuesday, October 25, it is possible to observe a partial solar eclipse, the solar disk will be closed by 47-65%.
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Source: korrespondent