HomeLifestyleHolidays on February 5,...

Holidays on February 5, 2025: What can’t be done today

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February 5, State’s Special Transportation Day Service. There are 329 days left before the new year.

February 5-36 days of the year on the Gregorian calendar. 329 days will remain until the end of the year (330 days – in years of jumping).

What are the holidays in Ukraine and the world

  • State’s Special Transportation Day Service.

  • World of reading the world aloud.


What events took place on February 5

  • 1585 – In LVIV, Assumption Stavropigic Brotherhood was established.

  • 1818 – After the death of Charles XIII, the king of Sweden and Norway became Charles Xiv Yugan, formerly known as The Marshal of France Jean Batist Bernadot.

  • 1861 – In Philadelphia (USA), Coleman sellers receive a patent for a movie theater.

  • 1904 – US troops left Cuba after six years of work.

  • 1917 – The current Constitution of Mexico has been approved, which is the first in the world to adjust social rights.

  • 1919-The first regular passenger plane in Europe Deutsche Luft-Reederei GMBH connects Berlin and Weimar to Germany.

  • 1924 – Air Force Radio begins to send signals exactly time from the Greenwitsky Observatory.

  • 1928 – German chemist Adolf Windaus is the first synthesized vitamin D, the lack of which joins the rickets.

  • In 1935-in New York, professional boxing organizations decided that the fights for the championship title could not take more than 15 rounds.

  • 1952-New York becomes the first city of the world, where three colored traffic lights began to use.

  • 1977 – the leaders of the Ukrainian Helsinki group Nikolai Rudenko and Olekas Tikhiy were arrested.

  • 1992 – Ukraine has established diplomatic relationships in Norway.

  • 1998 – In Simferopol, the explosion was injured by the mortally of the deputy head of Council of Crimea Minister Alexander Safafonov.

  • 1999 – Mike Tyson, a former boxing champion of the world boxing to professionals, received a year of prison for the beat of two people whose car collided with a Tyson car, but the boxer served only 3.5 months .

  • 2009 – Received a ransom of 3 million 200 thousand dollars, Somali Pirates released the Faina Ship, which included 17 Ukrainians.

Born on February 5

  • 1887 – Konstantin Kalinin, Ukrainian Aviator, aircraft designer.

  • 1887 – Nikolai Charleman, Ukrainian Zoologist.

  • 1950 – Vitaly Zubar, Ukrainian Archaeologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences.

What are the names today: Anton, Makar, Mikhail, Alexander, Vasilisa.

What can’t be done on February 5

  • It is forbidden to abandon itself the disturbances.
  • You can’t fix things – they’ll definitely be worse.
  • You should not laugh, be lazy.


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