HomeHealthcareThe French are ready...

The French are ready for more home care

This year again, Le Figaro teamed up with Ifop to analyze the perceptions the French have about the main topics covered in the big health boom. A representative sample was interviewed about tomorrow’s hospitals, the role of artificial intelligence in medicine and women’s health. The reactions of the French can sometimes be surprising.

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Feeling like we could care less tomorrow

The first striking indicator to emerge from this survey is the strong pessimism of the French about the future of the place that embodies care: the hospital. Two-thirds of them believe that they will be cared for less there in the coming years. “Strong and worrying indicator”, shows the director of Ifop, Frederic Duby. He notes that this mistrust exists “Across all categories of the population, especially the majority of active generations, it is a reflection of a more general discourse about the decline of the country.”. Hospital mistrust is matched by interest…

Source: Le Figaro

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