the teams of Figaro will meet you from 10:45 in his new studio in Paris. This year, Marie Vizot, Editor-in-Chief of Economics and Editor-in-Chief of Big Bang, is assisted by Vivian Csokas, Editor-in-Chief of The; Madame Figaro – which will give an interesting insight during the morning dedicated to women’s health. The event will host other newsroom journalists, such as Guillaume Roquet, editorial director. Figaro magazineYves Treard, deputy editor of the daily or Jacques-Olivier Martin, director of
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Wednesday, December 6: Big explosion at the hospital
It’s an important place for each of us that we start this Big Bang. From birth to recovery, the hospital epitomizes excellent care. It therefore underpins the health debates of tomorrow. This Big Bang is an opportunity to evaluate cutting-edge technologies and envision a hospital of the future that fully integrates artificial intelligence, connected objects and robotics. Doctors, researchers and businesses are already thinking about it, given the current trends in the world of medicine, considering the aging of the population and the development of chronic diseases. Tomorrow’s patient profile will be different, and so will the hospital. The PariSanté Campus research and innovation center, for example, has made it its mission to put digital technologies at the service of health and is already envisioning the future of care.
Due to the widespread use of telemedicine and the analysis of health data, the time spent in health facilities between the earlier detection of pathologies can be significantly reduced. We will ask the doctors gathered in Le Figaro a somewhat provocative, but not unrealistic, question: soon hospitals without patients?
- Opening interview. Sumbul DesaiApple’s vice president of healthcare.
- the opinion of Guillaume WertesChief Astronaut Doctor of the European Space Agency.
- Report: The hospital care pathway of the future
- Debate: “Tomorrow’s Hospitals Without Patients?”, hosted by Marie Vizot. Back Nicolas Buzueconomist and founder of Asterès, Philip YuvinHead of Department at the Georges Pompidou European Hospital and Member of Parliament for the Hauts de Seine, Sebastian Proto, Executive Chairman of Elsan Private Hospitals. The final word Professor Jean-Emmanuel Bibeauoncologist and researcher of Inserm.
- Report: Tomorrow the hospital at home.
- the thoughts of Locke ManvielDirector of EDHEC’s Innovative Health Chair.
- The conclusion of the big bang. Yves Treard gets it Jean-Christophe Ruffinwriter, diplomat and doctor.
Thursday, December 7: The big explosion of artificial intelligence in health
From its most popular incarnation, ChatGPT, to automatic backup software and image creation, there’s no escaping AI this year. Much more than the promise of entertainment, entire industries are being transformed, and medicine wants to be at the forefront of these innovations. If the phenomenon worries some who fear seeing the patient-caregiver relationship distorted, the use of artificial intelligence has been around for several years. Bulk data processing is used for medical imaging to analyze the collected information more quickly and accurately. Can AI unleash its knowledge away from stealing medical time and contribute to the often-requested improvement in care delivery?
Whatever the case, it’s now clear that tomorrow’s healthcare won’t happen without AI. Its followers are already anticipating the revolutions it will bring in terms of disease prediction and personalized treatment. If the possibilities seem overwhelming, our experts will help us separate what is fantasy from reality already underway.
- Opening interview. David GrusonFounder of Ethik-IA and member of Sciences Po Paris Health Chair.
- An interview Marie Curie.
- the opinion ofOreli JeanScientist, algorithmist and entrepreneur.
- Debate: Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Your Doctor, hosted by Jacques-Olivier Martin. Back Dr. Sophie Bauer, surgeon and president of the Society of Liberal Doctors (SML), Laurent DaudetCEO and co-founder of LightOn startup, Thomas LondonDeputy Director, Head of Healthcare at McKinsey France.
- Report: AI in drug development.
- the thoughts of Dominic PoeDirector General of La Poste Santé & Autonomie.
- The conclusion of the big bang. Yves Treard gets it Bruno Le MaireMinister of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty.
Friday, December 8: Big Bang in Women’s Health
“Women’s Health” program is a large-scale program. It has long been the weak link in research, sometimes the weak link in care and prevention. Now a number of actors, both state and private, are dealing with that issue. By announcing a major cross-departmental program for equality between women and men in March last year, with one area specifically dedicated to women’s health, the government also intends to show that it is tackling the problem.
And then, a new generation of doctors and entrepreneurs in the tech world is taking on a mission to deconstruct the clichés surrounding women’s health. He easily navigates the land of artificial intelligence and hears about the female body without taboos.
Therefore, this final morning of the Big Bang will be an opportunity to explore the solutions and innovations brought by digital technologies to make tomorrow’s health one that no longer excludes the feminine.
- Opening interview. Natalie Deselyricist
- the opinion ofAnne Lejayvascular surgeon.
- Report: Dogs against breast cancer.
- Debate: Will Women’s Health Take Off, Hosted by Vivian Csokas. Back Lisa AlterDoctor of Public Health, General Director of Healthcare Innovation Agency, Claire Mounier-VehierCardiologist at Lille University Hospital, co-founder of Agir pour le Cœur des Femmes, Juliet Mauro, Co-founder of FemTech France, CEO of My S Life. The final word Nuria Perez Kalel, Pierre Fabre Medical Director, Patient and Consumer.
- Report: Who Funds Femtech?
- A doctor’s thoughts Jean-Philippe Estradgynecologist, president of the Society of Gynecological and Pelvic Surgery.
- The conclusion of the big bang. Agnes BoozyHematology professor, former Minister of Solidarity and Health
Source: Le Figaro
I am John Sinkler, a professional writer and journalist for Buna Times. I specialize in writing about entertainment-related topics and have been doing so for several years now. My work has been featured on multiple platforms and I’m proud to say that it’s gained recognition from many people in the industry. Aside from working at Buna Times, I also write freelance articles for other publications.