‘Penguin’, a new spin-off series from the ‘Batman’ franchise by director Matt Reeves, is set to premiere on September 19
This week, the series “Penguin” premieres, the first spin-off of the “Batman” franchise led by the director Matt Reeves and starring the actor Colin Farrell. However, according to the producer Dylan Clarkthis should not be the first spin-off of the universe in which Batman is played by Robert Pattinson.
That’s because, in an interview with The Direct (via Omelete), Clark revealed that he has been working continuously to develop another spin-off, however, without giving much information. According to speculation from fans, it is possible that the new production will be focused on Harvey Dent, Two-Face.
Furthermore, it is also important to remember that, a few months ago, two other spin-offs of the franchise Matt Reeves had also already been confirmed, with one being set in Arkham Asylum, and another focusing on the Gotham police department. So far, there are no news about either production.
With eight episodes, “Penguin” takes place two days after the events of the 2022 film, presenting the city of Gotham completely fragile and shaken after the death of Carmine (John Turturro), the central figure in the world of crime, opening space for new big criminals to appear.
The new series is set to premiere on September 19th at 10pm on HBO and Max, with a rerun on Sunday the 22nd also at 10pm. After the launch, new episodes will be released every Sunday at 10pm on HBO and Max. Check out the trailer!
Source: Recreio