The actor revealed one of his tattoos during his speech at the Venice Film Festival. A chance to look back at the actor’s modest but impressive collection.
Although they are fighting a fierce war today, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt shared a common taste in tattoos. But while the actress regularly shows them, the actor is more reserved. However, during the Venice Film Festival, Brad Pitt revealed one of his tattoos while greeting the public. Indeed, on his forearm we see a silhouette of none other than that of Ötzi, the world’s oldest mummy, found almost intact in 1991 on a glacier in the Alps. We can also see the inscription “Invictus” which can be translated as invincible or undefeated.
This tribute to his nickname “Iceman” is not the only one that adorns the body of the man who won an Oscar for his roles. 12 years a slave And Once upon a time in Hollywood….
In fact, there are 67 of them, including two skulls, a rhinoceros, a wasp, and even a motorcycle (one of his passions) on his left bicep.
A nice collection, partly related to his marriage and the family he started with Angelina Jolie. Indeed, Brad Pitt had the latter’s nickname and date of birth written on the underside of his stomach in Khmer, the official language of Cambodia, the adopted country of Maddox, their eldest son. But also a cross around which the letter A and the initials of their six children are written.
Angelina Jolie also explained that one night she accidentally drew a “doodle” on her (ex) husband’s back, which he appreciated so much that he decided to keep it permanently, as reported by Page Six. The actor also had a verse from Rumi’s poem tattooed in tribute to his second marriage (a relationship that collapsed with his first, Jennifer Aniston):Exists beyond all notions of good and evil. i’ll meet you there”. The lyrics of Bob Dylan’s song were also written on it. “We live, we die, we don’t know why, but I will be with you.” A nice message that can also be related to the actress with her past history Lara Croft And Salt:.
Some rumors suggested that the actor would seek to alter these tattoos following the couple’s split and their estrangement since then. But her children’s cross and initials were still intact, on the set of the commercial in July 2023. A way, perhaps, to prove to the latter that he remains their father despite the distance between them. In fact there are quite a few who have decided not to bear his name anymore. But he keeps them under his skin.
Source: Le Figaro