Justin Roiland, co-creator and voice actor of the popular animated series “Rick and Morty,” is facing domestic violence charges related to a 2020 incident with an ex-girlfriend.
According to a story first reported by NBC News on Thursday, a district attorney in Orange County, California filed a criminal complaint against Roiland in May 2020. The incident in question occurred around January 19 of that year, with an anonymous Jane. Doe was dating at the time, the complaint said.
Roiland was charged in August 2020 with one count of domestic assault causing bodily harm and one count of false imprisonment for menacing, assault, fraud and/or deception. He was later released on $50,000 bail.
The singer pleaded not guilty to the charges in an October 2020 trial.
Under an order of protection, Roiland was told not to harass, threaten, or monitor Jane Doe.
In addition, Roiland must stay at least 30 feet away from the woman at all times and was ordered to surrender any firearms he owned or possessed by at least October 2023.
During Thursday’s meeting, Roiland’s attorney — who was not named by NBC News — told the court that a plea offer is available for his client, but did not provide further details.
On Thursday, a member of Roiland’s legal team, T. Edward Welbourn, told HuffPost:
“It is difficult to overstate how inaccurate the recent media coverage of this situation has been. To be clear, not only is Justin innocent, but we have every expectation that this matter is on track to be dismissed once the DA’s office completes its methodical review of the evidence. We look forward to clearing Justin’s name and helping him move forward as quickly as possible.”
Another hearing is scheduled for April 27 and Roiland has been ordered to attend.
I need help? In the United States, call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) for National Domestic Violence Hotline.