As of Tuesday, the relevant documents were sent to authorized state institutions, the SCM said.
Entrepreneur Rinat Akhmetov’s investment company SCM is initiating procedures for termination of print media production and revocation of Media Group Ukraine (MSU) licenses. It was reported on the company’s website on Tuesday, July 12th.
It is indicated that the relevant documents will be sent to the authorized state institutions now.
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“We are talking about all state licenses for broadcasting and for a software service provider received by Media Group Ukraine from the state. At the same time, the process of termination of production of print media owned of Moscow State University will begin today, “the statement said.
SCM reminded that according to Ukrainian law, the cancellation of licenses and the satisfaction of the application for termination of the work of print media automatically deprives the company-owner of the status of the media and must terminate their activities. And the speed of decision-making on the revocation of Moscow State University licenses after submission of relevant applications is the responsibility of the state.
“The process, in accordance with the requirements of the law, may take from one to two months. During this period, Moscow State University will continue to fulfill its obligations under the license agreements and will continue to broadcast and participate. in the national news marathon, as well as in foreign broadcasting (FreeDom) .The release of any of its own projects and the production of content on all TV channels, publications, online platforms of the group have been terminated, “said investment company.
Simultaneously with the revocation of broadcasting licenses for Media Group’s channels, the distribution of these channels abroad, including in Poland, was terminated.
At 00:00 on July 12, 2022, MSU stopped updating its online media.
SCM said the mechanism of collaboration with Vogue will be determined separately with the CondeNast brand owner through consultations. In addition, all relationships with group partners will be discussed separately.
All assets of Moscow State University (except licenses) remain in its ownership. We are talking about technology and other equipment, the library, intellectual property rights and trademark rights, including Ukraine, Ukraine 24, Segodnya. The future of these assets will be determined by management in the coming days.
SCM PR and Communications Director Natalya Yemchenko stressed that the decision to withdraw the company from the media business was difficult and forced.
“We plan to continue creating high-quality Ukrainian content-series, films, shows, news. But the state has adopted a completely discriminatory law on the prevention of threats to national security associated with the excessive influence of people with significant economic and political weight in public life (oligarchs), which makes it impossible for our further investment in the media in Ukraine, ”he said.
According to Yemchenko, the further fate of the licenses issued by the company is unknown – no preliminary consultation with the authorities took place and could not take place.
“We are grateful to the MSU team for over 20 years of joint and successful work and will do everything we can to ensure that the completion of our partnership with each member of the thousands of staff is as transparent and humane as This is, in fact, the most important task for the management of MSU today and for us at SCM, “Natalya Yemchenko summed up.
Recall, on July 11, the owner of SCM Rinat Akhmetov announced his departure from the media business and the refusal in favor of the state of all broadcast and satellite television channels licenses and print licenses media, the termination of online media.
Later, the Office of the President called Akhmetov’s decision a worthy example of equality before the law.
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Source: korrespondent

I am Dylan Hudson, a dedicated and experienced journalist in the news industry. I have been working for Buna Times, as an author since 2018. My expertise lies in covering sports sections of the website and providing readers with reliable information on current sporting events.