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A major anti-terror operation was carried out in Turkey: 25 were detained

Photo: AA

During the searches at the indicated addresses, law enforcement officials obtained a lot of digital materials and documentation.

Turkey’s anti-terrorism security forces detained 25 suspects linked to FETÖ and ISIS in operations conducted in five provinces. This is reported by the TV channel CNN Turkey.

“Nineteen suspects were detained during the operation against FETÖ in five provinces… At the same time, operations were conducted at addresses in Istanbul, Sivas, Zonguldak, Kocael and Ankara,” the statement said.

During the searches at the indicated addresses, many digital materials and documentation were seized, proving cooperation with FETÖ.

An anti-terrorist operation against ISIS was conducted in Istanbul, as a result of which six suspects were detained on charges of financing terrorism.

“As part of the investigation, it was found that the suspects collected money as donations and transferred them to the so-called conflict zone to provide funds to the terrorist organization ISIS,” the TV channel reported.

As we have already written, Turkey has announced attacks on Kurdistan Workers’ Party targets.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that as a result of the attack by armed men on the office building, five people were killed and more than 20 were injured.

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Source: korrespondent

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