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Daria Petrozhitskaya complained about her health

Photo: instagram.com/petrozhitskaya

The actor admitted that due to intense work he was facing health problems. After a busy year, the artist decided to take a break to recover.

The famous Ukrainian actress Daria Petrozhitskaya openly spoke about the health problems she faced due to the heavy workload.

Last year, the artist actively worked on performances and filming in many projects, which led to fatigue.

“I was invited to audition for this film, but I’m not alone in a difficult time in my life, because there are many projects, and my health is such that I don’t need even a day off for it, but even I didn’t record self-tests,” said Daria in an interview for the project. Wound in a good place.

The actress did not specify what specific health problems were bothering her, but admitted that she began to feel worse due to exhaustion. Daria mentioned that at the end of the last performance she decided to take a break to regain her strength.

“Our health has fallen a little, but we are not getting any younger and everything is fine for me it’s a normal story when some projects or something like that ends, and your body agrees- according to you: “We are working. until December 22, we play last performance, and then rest.” And this happened to me,” she shared.

Earlier it was reported that Daria Petrozhitskaya was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine.

Actress Daria Petrozhitskaya said when she plans to get married

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Source: korrespondent

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