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The EU approved Switzerland’s invitation to the military Schengen

Photo: AFP

PESCO members jointly develop defense capabilities, coordinate investments, improve operational readiness, interoperability and resilience of their militaries, and collaborate on projects.

The European Union has officially approved Switzerland’s invitation to the Military Schengen program, which provides for the unhindered deployment of troops in Europe. It was announced on Monday, January 13, on the website of the Council of the European Union.

It is noted that this decision allows the Netherlands, as project coordinator, to formally invite Switzerland to join the PESCO project in response to its request submitted in September 2024. Upon completion of the administrative agreement, Switzerland will become an official participant in the project .

Project PESCO Military mobility aims to simplify and unify national border crossing procedures for military transport. It allows military personnel and equipment to be quickly moved across the EU by road, rail, sea or air.

In 2021, Canada, Norway and the USA were invited to participate in the project, and in 2022 – the UK.

Countries applying to join PESCO must meet political, legal and substantive criteria, including the common values ​​on which the EU was founded and which do not conflict with the security and defense interests of the EU and its member states.

The Norwegian government plans to restore the mandatory construction of air-raid shelters in new buildings, which was canceled almost 30 years ago. This provision should be part of the country’s new civil defense plan.

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Source: korrespondent

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