On Monday evening, an air alert began to spread in the regions of Ukraine. This was announced due to the fact that the Russian invaders launched an attack by UAVs from the northern direction.
A series of explosions were heard in Chernigov. This was reported by Suspilne and the head of Chernihiv GVA Dmitry Brizhinsky on Tuesday, September 3.
As the official pointed out, the air defense is operating in the city.
“As a result of falling debris, there are fires in non-residential and non-industrial buildings around the city,” said the head of the Chernigov State Military Administration, Bryzhinsky.
Before this, the Ukrainian Air Force reported the movement of drones in the direction of the region.
An air raid alert related to an attack by Russian attack drones continues in the city and region for almost two hours – from 22.46 on September 2.
Earlier, explosions occurred in Kharkov, Zaporozhye and Dnieper
We remind you that on the morning of September 2, Russia carried out a combined attack on Kyiv, using more than 10 cruise missiles, about ten ballistic missiles and an attack drone.
In total, the Russian Federation attacked Ukraine with 58 air assets – 35 missiles of various types and 23 drones. The defense forces were able to shoot down nine ballistic missiles, 13 cruise missiles and 20 suicide bombers.
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Source: korrespondent
I am David Wyatt, a professional writer and journalist for Buna Times. I specialize in the world section of news coverage, where I bring to light stories and issues that affect us globally. As a graduate of Journalism, I have always had the passion to spread knowledge through writing.