Polish farmers began protests at two more checkpoints and again blocked Shegini.
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On February 12, protests by Polish farmers began near the Zosin checkpoint, near the Volyn city of Ustilug.
The protesters intend to let three trucks pass per hour. Passenger cars, buses, vehicles with humanitarian aid, as well as vehicles up to 3.5 tons in both directions will be processed as usual, the State Tax Service reported.
Traffic near the Dolgobychev checkpoint is also blocked. They plan to transport two trucks per hour in both directions.
In addition, the blocking of the Medika-Shegini checkpoints has been resumed. It is planned to pass 1 truck per hour. The protest will not apply to the passage of passenger vehicles and buses.
Due to the protests of Polish farmers, which began on February 9, traffic through the checkpoints “Medika – Shegini”, “Povertine – Rawa-Russkaya” and “Dorogusk – Yagodin” is difficult.
In front of the Medica checkpoint, protesters are determined to allow a truck, a bus and a car to pass per hour.
Near the Khrebnoye checkpoint, it is planned to allow two trucks per hour in both directions. The movement of passenger vehicles and buses will not be limited;
Because of the Dorogusk checkpoint, protesters intend to let a truck through in both directions every hour. Bus service will remain unchanged.
The day before, Polish farmers stopped three Ukrainian trucks and poured grain out of them. This happened on the road to the border crossing in Doroguska. The Polish police have opened a case and are identifying the violators who committed this.
Ukraine demands that everyone who spilled grain from sealed trucks transiting through Poland to Lithuania be found and brought to justice.
Such methods of protesters should not be tolerated in a civilized European country, not to mention the moral side of this provocation. Therefore, we demand that those responsible be found and brought to justice,” noted the Ambassador of Ukraine to Poland Vasily Zvarych.
Source: Racurs

I am David Wyatt, a professional writer and journalist for Buna Times. I specialize in the world section of news coverage, where I bring to light stories and issues that affect us globally. As a graduate of Journalism, I have always had the passion to spread knowledge through writing.