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Two alleged assassins staged a reign of terror in the Lima area. tiewhen they were shooting at a group of people, not caring about the large number of passers-by moving in the area.
The bloody act took place precisely on Avenida Prolongación Javier Prado, in the area Ceres. Up to this point, the criminals arrived on a yellow motorcycle and, without saying a word, opened fire on their unsuspecting victims.
Mafia actions
After the attack he died Wilder Romero de la Cruz Yupanqui Bye Fernando Javier Cahakuri, Emerson Paucar Salas, Christopher Tarazona And Nestor Daniel Vargas they were injured.
The latter is a Venezuelan citizen and was able to make his way to the Ate Vitarte Emergency Hospital on his own after being shot by a stray bullet.
According to a police investigation, it is known that the attackers were hit men with ties to the quota-collecting mafia, although it is not clear if the organization is extorting motorcycle taxi drivers or sex workers present in the area. aforementioned area…
Source: RPP
I’m Ashley Mark, a news website author for Buna Times. I specialize in writing articles about current trends and breaking news stories. With my passion for uncovering the truth behind every story, I strive to bring readers the most up-to-date information available.