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Ministry of the Interior (Mr.minter) included Sergio Tarache Parraaccused of femicide young Katherine Gomez, in the Rewards Program.
He minter He offered 50,000 soles to anyone with information about the subject who doused and set fire to a victim in Plaza Dos de Mayo last Saturday.
Anyone with information on Tarache Parr’s whereabouts can call 0800 40 007.
“Sergio Tarache Parra is accused of dousing and setting fire to his former partner Catherine Gomez on the Cercado, leading to her death. SGD 50,000 is being offered for his capture,” reads a tweet posted by minter.
Ministry of Women mourns death
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Groups expressed its regret over the death of Katherine Gomez, which occurred this Friday after several days of agony.
“We express our condolences to his family, whom we accompany at this painful moment. We reject all acts of violence against women,” she wrote on Twitter.
Katherine Gomez, a young woman burned alive last Saturday in the Plaza dos de Mayo, died today, Friday, at the Arzobispo Loais Hospital. The sad news was confirmed by Women’s Minister Nancy Tolentino in a dialogue with News RPP.
“He fought for his life, but unfortunately the amount of damage to his body prevented the doctors from saving his life and we were told that he had died. We express our condolences to the whole family. The executive director of the Aurora program is already on his way to accompany his family. We will monitor this whole irreparable process so that it is tolerable, ”he said in News extension.
It should be noted that femicide Sergio Tarache Parra (aged 19), Venezuelan national, currently missing.
Source: RPP
I’m Ashley Mark, a news website author for Buna Times. I specialize in writing articles about current trends and breaking news stories. With my passion for uncovering the truth behind every story, I strive to bring readers the most up-to-date information available.