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In South Africa, they found arrowheads with poisons 7,000 years ago

Photo: Science

In the Cruger Cave in South Africa, arrowheads with plant poison were found, indicating the age of stone people in Botani and hunting technologies.

In the cave of Kruger, located in South Africa, scientists recognized the unique artifact – the femoral bone of the antelope with three arrowheads containing the plant plant. The opening was reported by Armeonews.

The found, dated 7000 years ago, opens new reach -to -seek to understand how the ancient people used botanical knowledge for hunting.

The femoral bone was found in 1983, but it was stored at the University of Vitvatersrand for more than four decades without a deep study. Recently, a team of researchers, led by associate professor Justin Bradfield, conducted a chemical examination of the tips and found that they were covered with a complex plant poison.

Poison includes cardiac glycosides, digitoxin, stanzantidine and recinoleic acid – substances that can cause severe heart disease. It is noteworthy that none of the plants containing these poisons grow near the cave. This indicates that components can be delivered from other regions through trading routes that exist even in distant times.

This discovery confirms the high level of knowledge and creativity of ancient hunters who use such tips to hunt wild animals.

Not far from the cave, stone drawings depicting the numbers of man, animals and birds were also found. These faded images provide values ​​in this area as a unique cultural and archaeological monument.

Earlier it was reported that in the Netherlands a medieval cesspool with a unique boot dated by the end of the 16th century was found in the Netherlands.

Archaeologists have found more than one thousand artifacts under Notre-DA.

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Source: korrespondent

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