These data confirm a broad truth about all planets with significant atmospheres in our solar system.
For the first time, NASA scientists have obtained evidence of a polar cyclone on Uranus. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory – JPL.
“These observations tell us more about the history of Uranus. It’s a more dynamic world than you might think. It’s not just a blue ball of gas. There’s a lot going on with this planet,” said by study author Alex Akins.
Experts have investigated the radio waves emitted by the ice giant. These data confirm a broad truth about all planets with significant atmospheres in our solar system.
Moreover, regardless of whether the planets are mainly composed of rock or gas, their atmospheres, however, have signs of a vortex at their poles.
“Cyclones rotating in the same direction as their planet, or anticyclones rotating in the opposite direction, have now been identified at the poles of every planet in our solar system, except Mercury, which has no significant atmosphere,” the researchers concluded. .
Recall that earlier in the laboratory on Earth, the disk of a black hole was created for the first time.
The Hubble telescope travels through the solar system
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Source: korrespondent

I am Ben Stock, a passionate and experienced digital journalist working in the news industry. At the Buna Times, I write articles covering technology developments and related topics. I strive to provide reliable information that my readers can trust. My research skills are top-notch, as well as my ability to craft engaging stories on timely topics with clarity and accuracy.