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Prikhodko showed how he hid with his son in the subway during a missile attack

Photo: prykhodko_official/Instagram

Air defense forces and means hit about 20 air targets over Kiev.

Ukrainian singer Anastasia Prikhodko shows how she hid with her son in the metro during the missile attack on Kiev on January 23, when the Russian invaders launched Kh-101, Kh-555, Kh- 55 cruise missiles and ground-based ballistic missiles in the capital. .

On Instagram, the star described how the walls shook in the subway. He also complained about his morals.

“So many people in the metro… My Kyiv! Even in the metro today the walls are shaking,” he wrote.

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We remind you that today the Russians launched a joint missile attack on Ukraine. Anti-aircraft systems S-300, cruise missiles Kh-32 and Kh-101 and ballistic missiles were used Iskander. Air defense units fired 21 missiles.

As a result of this attack, there were dead and wounded in Kyiv, Kharkov and Pavlograd. In total, dozens of people were injured, including children.

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Source: korrespondent

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