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Military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and volunteers pose for the Playboy calendar

Photo: facebook.com/dana.yarovaya

All proceeds from the calendar and magazine will go to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Military personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and volunteers pose for the Playboy calendar for 2024. The initiator of the project is the famous volunteer Dana Yarovaya. He published the footage on Facebook.

Yarovaya agreed to be the face of the cover on the condition that this project “will show the world the indestructibility of Ukrainian women.”

“I proposed to invite girls serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, girls who were captured, military doctors, volunteers. In addition to the magazine, I also proposed to make a calendar for 2024. The this project is a challenge! Like red lipstick in World War II. The challenge of war, a challenge to the enemy and even to ourselves. A challenge to go beyond the limits. And to remind us all that a woman is the conductor of life in the world. And a woman always remains a woman Despite the war, despite the strife, despite the destroyed houses and destinies, in the great cemeteries of the dead, despite the not yet born child. Despite everything, “said Yarovaya.

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We remind you that Playboy previously broke the collaboration with the famous porn actress.

Playboy Ukraine devoted a new issue to the war
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Source: korrespondent

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