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Okean Elzy released the first song from the new album

Photo: instagram.com/sviatoslav.vakarchuk

A new Ukrainian-language album dedicated to the band’s 30th anniversary is planned for release this fall.

Ukrainian rock band Okean Elzy presented the first composition from the future album in the Ukrainian language – a song called Mukachevo.

According to the leader of the group, Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, this track is special and dear to him, adding that although it sounds autobiographical, it is about all Ukrainians. He also encouraged listeners to reflect on their own identity and feel a personal connection to the song.

“The trick is that there are people who know who they are, there are people who search and can’t find this answer, and there are people who don’t think about it… I have a request for those who find this song: don don’t just listen, but hear, feel, and finally get to know that boy or girl, that teenager, the boy or girl inside you and ask, “Who are you? who are you are you still “hurt”? – added OE leader.

The band Okean Elzy plans to release a new Ukrainian-language album this fall. It will be dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the group’s creation.

It was previously reported that the band Okean Elzy, led by frontman Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, released their first English-language song Voices Are Rising.

Okean Elzy has served a new version of the song I will go home

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Source: korrespondent

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