In Charles III, unpopularBiographer Bertrand Meyer-Stabley lifts the curtain on some of the indiscretions of the new sovereign, whose coronation will take place on May 6.
Who is hiding behind the Prince of Wales? Since the death of his mother, Elizabeth II, King Charles III has revealed some aspects of his personality. We remember his impatience when signing a document because of a broken pen last October. But also revelations were made about the little quirks of the monarch during his trips abroad. his staff had to put two inches of toothpaste on the toothbrush and iron the laces. In the book Charles III, unpopular, on sale April 19, Bertrand Meyer-Stable teaches us a little more about Charles III’s daily life. Small secrets, which he opened until now only to his close ones.
In the video, King Charles III loses his temper over a … pen
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Secret 1 He likes French cheese
Like her mother, she prefers white meat to red, accompanied by vegetables and salad. One of his favorite dishes is lamb chops with artichokes. On the other hand, unlike her mother, she likes cheese, especially French cheese.
Secret 2: He can sleep on command
This was also said about Napoleon, Charles III has the ability to sleep on command. By car, plane, train, he can treat himself with restorative sleep.
Secret 3: He hates caviar
Caviar is not his cup of tea and he is not a fan of shellfish. A ban on seeing them on the party menu. Like her mother, Elizabeth II, she has champagne truffles and, like her grandmother, she gets purple chocolates from Charbonnel and Walker, a London institution since 1875.
Secret 4: He’s superstitious
Like all the Windsors, Charles III never presided over a table of thirteen. If necessary, He can arrange two tables or invite a squirrel to be the fourteenth guest.
Secret 5 Several people want to marry her dogs
Every month Her Majesty receives several marriage proposals for her two Jack Russells, Bluebell and Beth.
Secret 6 He lives with ghosts
Charles is a firm believer in ghosts and often says they are present in all historic homes. He is not afraid of it, he lives with it and explains that he met his first ghosts in Windsor Castle when he was still a child.
In the video, King Charles and Queen Camilla blow their whistles during an official visit
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Secret 7: She keeps a diary
Just like Elizabeth II, Charles maintains the tradition of keeping a diary and dutifully jots down his impressions of the day in a small bound book every night before going to bed.
Secret 8: He is the godfather of more than 30 people
And a very attentive patron. He sometimes gives one of his watercolors as a gift.
Secret 9: “Your Highness”
If you write to him, imperatively begin your letter with “Your Majesty” and end with the formula “I have the honor to be Your Majesty’s humble and obedient subject and servant.” subject and servant of Your Majesty).
Secret 10 It is treated with homeopathy
She rarely gets sick and gets preventive treatment with homeopathy. However, a doctor is always on duty in each of his residences. Which didn’t stop him from catching Covid. An osteopath follows him regularly for persistent back pain after falling off a horse while playing polo. He also never travels without his toilet seat, photo frames, his kettle and mineral water.
Privacy 11: He likes to speak French
All table menus for English royalty are written in French, which Charles speaks fluently.
Secret 12 He doesn’t like Windsor Castle
This is too noisy for him, as it is located in the air landing corridors of Heathrow Airport
Secret 13 He never has his passport with him
The King no longer needed a passport to clear customs (as Prince Charles did). Her luggage has the words ‘The King’ in black letters and each member of the royal family has the color of their luggage tag – yellow for Her Majesty, red for Prince William…
Privacy 2 p.m Donald Trump has never smoked in public
He hates the smell of cigarettes and rarely allows a foreign head of state to smoke in his presence, especially not Donald Trump and his Cuban cigars.
Privacy 15:00 It has a separate dressing room
He has a dressing room at Clarence House just for his uniforms which we clean every day (in the brush room)
In the video, Charles III and Camilla were welcomed in ball gowns at Berlin’s Bellevue Palace
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Secret 16: His house has “panic rooms”
Like Buckingham Palace, his Haygrove mansion has “panic rooms”. Built to withstand sustained shelling in the event of a terrorist attack, these rooms are lined with fifty-centimeter-thick fireproof shells. In case of a chemical or microbial attack, gas masks and an ultra-sophisticated air filtration system are also available.
Privacy 17:00 The Labyrinths of Buckingham Palace
Buckingham has 1,514 doors and 760 windows that are cleaned every six weeks. Electricity was first installed in the ballroom in 1883 and then extended to the rest of the building by 1887. Today there are almost 40,000 lamps in the palace. Other numbers: Buckingham has 775 rooms, including 19 state rooms, 52 bedrooms for the royal family and guests, 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices and 78 bathrooms. The building also has a swimming pool, a post office, an ATM for credit cards, a cinema and a mini-operation block. Its total area is 77,000 square meters.
Secret 18:00 : 30 people live in his garden species of birds
The park covers an area of 16 hectares and includes a helipad, a lake and a tennis court. It is home to thirty different species of birds and over three hundred and fifty species of wild flowers.
Secret 18:00 he is a fan of fried eggs
The royal family loves eggs that come from royal estates where all the chickens are free-range. They love them fried, boiled, in a pan, in an omelet, etc. The milk served always comes from Jersey cows on the Windsor estate.
Secret 20: : the traditional kilt
He likes to wear the kilt when on holiday in Scotland, especially at his private residence in Birkhall. He chooses Royal Stewart red tartan, Hunting Stewart green and his favorite Balmoral grey, reserved only for members of the royal family. Kinloch Anderson is the Crown’s official supplier in Edinburgh. However, it is unclear whether Charles follows the tradition of not wearing underwear.
Source: Le Figaro