During martial law in Ukraine, the Declaration on Business will replace 374 different types of permits.
A new service for entrepreneurs has appeared on the Diya portal – єDeclaration for business. This was announced by Digital Transformation Minister Mikhail Fedorov on Facebook on Thursday, May 26th.
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He noted that during martial law in Ukraine, this service will replace 374 types of different permits, including licenses, certificates, certificates, certificates and conclusions. The function will simplify bureaucratic procedures.
“If you are the owner of a small cafe, then you need to go to six different government agencies and collect about 25 paper documents: permission for outdoor advertising, a license for the right retailer , etc. This bureaucratic quest lasts up to 75 days. In Dії it is an electronic document in three minutes, “said Fedorov.
The new service can be used by current sole proprietors, business owners whose permit documents have expired, entrepreneurs forced to become migrants due to conflict or forced to change their job. As a result, Ukrainian entrepreneurs can start work immediately, instead of waiting 10 days for decisions from government agencies.
Earlier it was reported that the first Diya.Business center appeared in Warsaw. There, temporarily resettled Ukrainians will be able to consult free of charge on starting a business in Poland and receive other important information.
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Source: korrespondent

I am Dylan Hudson, a dedicated and experienced journalist in the news industry. I have been working for Buna Times, as an author since 2018. My expertise lies in covering sports sections of the website and providing readers with reliable information on current sporting events.