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In Russia, ISIS militants captured a colony

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The attackers demanded – $2 million and a helicopter. Instead, Russian security forces blocked the surrounding streets and were preparing for an attack.

In the city of Surovikino in Russia, four prisoners took over the correctional colony No. 19. At least three law enforcement officers were killed, some injured and hostages. Russian media reported this on Friday, August 23.

The prisoners were allegedly accused of terrorist attacks and involvement with ISIS. They took hostages during a disciplinary commission meeting.

Among the injured employees of the colony was its head, Andrei Devyatov. He escaped and is now in intensive care.

The attackers demanded – $2 million and a helicopter. Instead, Russian security forces blocked the surrounding streets and were preparing for an attack.

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We remind you that a similar incident took place in June in the Rostov pre-trial detention center. The six criminals then took the two law enforcement officers hostage. They are said to be members of ISIS. During the attack, the attackers were eliminated. The hostages were not injured.

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Source: korrespondent

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