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Agents National Police investigate death Victor Henry Cordova Marrtos (aged 54), whose body was found this morning on Inca Garcilaso de la Vega Street in the Lima area. commas.
Police sources consulted RPP news They reported that the man’s body had a stab wound at the height of the temple.
The corpse, lying face up, was covered with a sheet by the neighbors, who, horrified, reported the terrible find to the authorities.
In the study
Agents National Police They arrived at the scene and cordoned off the area to facilitate the work of forensics.
The investigation into this crime has already begun, with pay as the main hypothesis; since the deceased had his things with him: an identity card, a driver’s license and even a wallet with money.
The authorities do not rule out that the body was thrown into the specified area from a moving vehicle. Unfortunately, there are no surveillance cameras in the neighborhood that could record what happened.
At the end of this note, the body has not yet been delivered to the central morgue in Lima.
Source: RPP
I’m Ashley Mark, a news website author for Buna Times. I specialize in writing articles about current trends and breaking news stories. With my passion for uncovering the truth behind every story, I strive to bring readers the most up-to-date information available.