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Five large asteroids are approaching Earth

Image: Galaxy Science

In the smallest of them, the planet just missed, and the next one – the size of an airplane – will meet on September 8.

Five large asteroids are approaching Earth at the same time. Two of them are the size of an airplane, two are the size of a bus, and one is the size of a house, according to NASA Asteroid Watch.

It was mentioned that they will fly by the Earth between 6 and 10 September.

A house-sized asteroid called JA5 was the first to approach Earth – it passed the planet on September 6 at a distance of 5.1 million kilometers from Earth. For the first time, a body measuring 18 meters was observed in 2021.

Three more asteroids will fly by Earth on September 8. Moreover, two of them will be the size of an aircraft. The closest asteroids will come to the planet is more than a million kilometers.

None of them should pose a threat to Earth.

Remember that in June a giant dangerous asteroid flew to the Earth, which, if it falls, will destroy one of the continents.

NASA has found water on a comet between Jupiter and Mars

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