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Program starts accepting applications from transvestites for courses in Acre

The ‘Mulheres Mil’ Program, which offers professional training courses in Acre, began accepting applications from trans women after action by the Federal Public Ministry (MPF-AC). In July, the MPF questioned the State Institute of Professional and Technological Education (Ieptec) about a possible impediment to the enrollment of trans women in courses offered by the program, run by the institute and linked to the Ministry of Education (MEC).

Ieptec responded that there were communication failures and initial guidance to enroll only people who had already provided documentary proof of their name and gender change. After questioning, the institute corrected the situation and instructed teams to enroll trans women who use their social name, as guaranteed by federal and state legislation.

The Federal Prosecutor, Lucas Costa Almeida Dias, highlighted the importance of ensuring the rights of transgender people in public administration, as provided for in Decree No. 8,727/2016 and Law No. 3,355/2017. He also emphasized the need to avoid embarrassment that could turn into institutional violence against the LGBTQIA+ community.

The next vacancies for the ‘Mulheres Mil’ program are expected to open in September, with courses in several municipalities in Acre. Registrations will be published on Ieptec’s social media and on the state government’s website, and can be completed by transvestites in person at the centers that will run the courses.

By Ezatamentchy

Source: Maxima

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