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Holidays January 4, 2024: name days, prohibitions, facts

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Newton Day and the opening of the Burj Khalifa are the most interesting holidays and events on January 4 at Athletistic.

In the Gregorian calendar, January 4 is the fourth day of the year. There are 361 days left before the end of the year

What are the holidays on January 4 in Ukraine and in the world?

  • International Braille Day. The holiday was established by the UN General Assembly to raise awareness of the importance of Braille for realizing the rights of the blind and visually impaired. It has been celebrated since 2019. Braille is a tactile representation of alphabetic and numeric symbols using six dots to convey all letters and numbers and musical, mathematical, and scientific symbols.

  • Newton’s day. On January 4, 1643, an English physicist, mathematician, mechanic, astronomer, one of the creators of classical physics, was born. The scientist created a fundamental work, Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, in which he outlined the law of universal gravitation and the three laws of mechanics, which became the basis of classical mechanics. Newton also made many discoveries in the fields of optics and color theory, and developed many physical and mathematical theories.

  • Myanmar (Burma) Independence Day.

  • Spaghetti Day in the USA

Photo: pixabay.com

Newton’s pendulum

What happened on January 4

  • 1896 – Utah becomes part of the United States, becoming the 45th state.

  • 1943 – American Time magazine named Joseph Stalin the Person of 1942.

  • 1948 – Burma (Myanmar) declares independence from Great Britain.

  • 2004 – The Spirit rover lands on Mars.

  • 2010 – the grand opening of the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa skyscraper, 828 meters high, took place in Dubai (UAE).

Image: Wikipedia

Burj Khalifa

Who was born on January 4

  • 1643 – English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher Isaac Newton.

  • 1785 – German philologist, one of the brothers of the German legend Jacob Grimm.

  • 1809 – French teacher, inventor of the dot-relief font for the blind, Louis Braille.

  • 1934 – sculptor and painter Zurab Tsereteli.

  • 1963 – German singer, vocalist of the group Rammstein Till Lindemann.

Public and church holidays on January 4

The Orthodox Church honors the memory of the Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker.

The future holiday was born in Rome. His father was a pagan, and his mother was a secret Christian. In her youth, Anastasia’s teacher was the Christian Chrysogon.

After her mother’s death, not guided by her daughter’s wishes, her father married her to the pagan Pomplius. To avoid the conjugal bed, Anastasia pleaded an incurable disease and remained chaste.

At that time, there were many Christians in Roman prisons. Under the guise of a beggar, Anastasia secretly visited the prisoners: she fed, treated and comforted them. And when she was widowed, she distributed her property to the poor.

After Emperor Diocletian ordered the execution of Saint Chrysogonus, Anastasia traveled to help Christian prisoners. It was then that he found the gift of healing.

To alleviate his suffering, the saint was called the Pattern Maker.

Anastasia passed through Greece and Macedonia, and when she arrived at Sirmium (now Sremska-Mitrovica in Serbia) she was captured and, after suffering, burned at the stake. In the 5th century, his remains were transferred to Constantinople.

This day is popularly called Anastasia, Anastasia the Pattern Maker, the Pattern Maker.

Traditions and rituals

In Rus’, the name Anastasia the Pattern Maker is associated with pregnancy and the act of birth. The Eastern Slavs considered the patron saint of pregnant women and prayed to him during childbirth.

On this day, married women have to embroider a towel-talisman, which is supposed to help during childbirth. On this day, they cook fat-free porridge and feed it to pregnant women to protect them from diseases.

What not to do on January 4

Pregnant women should not do heavy work, sewing, tying knots or twisting threads. Walking around the house barefoot is bad luck.

Also, on this day you can’t pierce your ears, otherwise they will take a long time to heal and also hurt animals.

January 4 signs

  • What is the weather like in Anastasia, what will it look like in October.

  • If there are many icicles on the roof of a house, expect a fruitful year.

  • If the clouds float against the wind in Anastasia, there will be snowfall in the coming days.

  • If there is little water in the river, there will be drought and small fish.

Who has a birthday today?

Name days on January 4 are celebrated by: Anastasia, Dmitry, Fedor.

Photo: pixabay.com

Name day January 4

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