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Merry Christmas 2023: heartfelt greetings and bright cards

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The best Merry Christmas greetings in prose, poetry and pictures on Athletistic.

Christmas Christmas is considered one of the most popular holidays in the church calendar. Many ancient Ukrainian traditions are associated with it – Christmas nativity scenes, didukh making and children’s songs.

Ukrainians prepare different foods for Christmas, the main one of which is kutia. Also on this date they attend the Christmas service.

In 2022, Ukrainians will celebrate the wartime holiday. Due to the Russian invasion, the Christmas weekend will also be cancelled.

But the Russian invaders will not take away our vacation. All Ukrainians who believe in Christmas will pray for the success of Ukraine and send Christmas greetings to each other.

The best Christmas wishes

Photo: youtube.com

Merry Christmas greetings

Christ is born! Glory be to Yogo! Let the light of Christ’s holy Christmas bring peace and goodness to the leather house. Let all negativity go to nebuttya, and order will always blossom for blissful love. Peaceful and light Christmas!


Photo: youtube.com

Merry Christmas greetings

With the Rizdvom of Christ, I send hospitality and best of my prayers. So everything was conceived in life, dreamed, that the grace of God is in the donkey, the blessing of the homeland. Let immediately, with a golden star in the sky, burst into a long-awaited world!

Christ is born! Glory be to Yogo!

Photo: youtube.com

Merry Christmas greetings


From the bottom of my heart, I wish you a merry Christmas. Holy and to the holy zich of my health, special happiness of all blessings on earth! May the Lord give you a happy future and trustworthy friends. I want to realize all the good ideas.

Photo: youtube.com

Merry Christmas greetings


My wedding New Year is simple: be healthy and happy, don’t let a wonderful world come, and everyone plans to share life!

Christ is born! Glory be to Yogo!

Vershі z Rіdvom christov
For the holy glory of your native land,
Let the under skin heal!
Delicious kutі and hut songs,
Schob, foam the whole homeland for good fortune!

Photo: youtube.com

Merry Christmas greetings


Happy Feast of Christ, dear friends,
Let us all live according to the world!
Hai joy panuє to the soul,
The boules are happy mustaches!

Photo: youtube.com

Merry Christmas greetings


May God protect life
He will not be in any way.
Schob Zlagoda in Sim’ї Bula
Have a peaceful and happy Christmas!

Photo: youtube.com

Merry Christmas greetings


Lunaє ring carol,
Rіzdvyana zіrka syaє from heaven,
Be kind everywhere
That’s all you need for happiness!

Photo: youtube.com

Merry Christmas greetings

Remember that Holy Night is a traditional Christmas Eve dinner, when the whole family gathers around the table. On Christmas Eve, on January 6, Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas Eve. At the festive table, it is customary to serve 12 Lenten dishes according to the number of the apostles.

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Source: korrespondent

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