Daydreaming, dozing off in the middle of the day, thinking and acting slowly, lacking energy, having an anxious and/or depressed mood, withdrawing from others… Suffering from “slow cognitive tempo” (SCT), it’s a bit like: living at a snail’s pace. Is it just a idiosyncrasy (to each their own rhythm), a variant of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or other neurodevelopmental disorders? In Anglo-Saxon countries, which have been studying SCT for about fifteen years, the hypothesis of a specific syndrome is rather maintained. But what exactly is it?
“Although ADHD is characterized by dysregulation of attention, motivational disturbances, fluctuating emotions, and/or motor agitation, it is indeed the attention disorder that predominates in SCT. explains Sébastien Henrard, neuropsychologist trainer (Lot), co-author Assessment of ADHD in children and adolescents (ed. Deboeck)…
Source: Le Figaro

I am John Sinkler, a professional writer and journalist for Buna Times. I specialize in writing about entertainment-related topics and have been doing so for several years now. My work has been featured on multiple platforms and I’m proud to say that it’s gained recognition from many people in the industry. Aside from working at Buna Times, I also write freelance articles for other publications.