A good start is to do exercises targeting the glutes to strengthen them. However, certain rules must be followed to work effectively and avoid injury.
Whether you want them toned, rounded or slim, there are certain rules to follow to effectively tone your butt. Note that it will still be a shame to get hurt or sweat in a vacuum. Florrie Chanoz, endurance and fitness coach, lists the mistakes that are often made by any wannabe procrastinator.
1. Work only the butt
Of course, focusing on the butt when you want to tone it up doesn’t seem so stupid. But it is better to look at the work as a whole and not put aside other muscle groups. “Often women just want to get glutes and forget about the quads (the front of the thighs) and the hamstrings (the back of the thighs). It is a set. In order to have a harmonious body, you have to work on everything, otherwise you create an imbalance,” warns Flory Chanoz.
2. Stick to one car
The trainer draws attention to the so-called “analytical” movements that are performed on the machine, in short, that work only with a piece of muscle. To understand it better, you need to know that there are three types of movements. The first ones are called “core”, such as squats or lunges, and which involve several muscle groups. The second, “complementary”, which also uses several muscle groups, but less. Then, finally, the analytical movements. “To achieve results, you need to perform all three types of movements to use multiple muscle fibers. Often, some women are satisfied with the machine and only work on one part of the muscle. While also doing squats and lunges, we work on the back or abdomen,” explains the specialist.
3. Do not “load” to avoid swelling
When it comes to bodybuilding, many women fear that their muscles will “bulk”. But the sports coach is categorical that “in order to increase” you really need to eat every three hours and have a very precise diet. In a previous article, sports coach Romain Moreau also dismissed the preconceived idea. “The muscle-building hormone is testosterone, which is produced in large quantities in men but very little in women. For a woman who wants to lose weight and does weight training three times a week, if there is an increase in muscle mass, it remains minimal.”
In practice, Flori Chanoz recommends working with loads adapted to your body shape and level. “Doing 100 repetitions of a movement without weight bearing is like working in a vacuum,” he adds.
4. Do not vary the exercises
There’s no need to limit yourself to traditional leg lifts. Routine is the enemy of muscle. “You have to vary the exercises to shock the muscles and push them to adapt. We get more results,” says Florrie Chanoz.
5. Taking too long breaks between exercises
It is quite logical. “The more breaks you take, the fewer calories you burn,” says the trainer. To work effectively and see results, you have to keep trying. “There are two options. To clean the glutes, you can take a break of 1 minute to 1 minute 30 between each exercise. To gain muscle volume, recover for 2 minutes, do fewer repetitions and load more,” advises the specialist.
6. Insufficient sleep
It is not enough to do squats six days a week to achieve lasting results. “It’s a package again. We must not forget that it is necessary to sleep enough so that the muscles can rest, and to maintain a balanced diet, using a lot of protein, whether it is animal or vegetable,” emphasizes Flory Chanoz. Otherwise, you will be more tired and less attentive to your body. There is a risk of getting into the wrong position and injuring yourself during the exercises.
Source: Le Figaro