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Know the power of fruits against cardiovascular diseases

Vitamins and antioxidant action of these foods are important to protect the heart

The function of the heart is to send oxygen-rich blood to all the cells that make up the body. To do this, it pumps oxygen and nutrients through the arteries. According to data from the Brazilian Society of Cardiology (SBC), about 400,000 people die each year from cardiovascular diseases, which corresponds to 30% of all deaths in the country. “The main victims are individuals exposed to isolated or combined risk factors for a longer period of time”, warns cardiologist Bruno Ganem.

Some day-to-day care and habits can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease, such as a balanced diet and practice of physical activities.Some fruits can be great allies in preventing heart disease. “Some vitamins present in fruits behave like antioxidant substances”, indicates the cardiologist.

Antioxidants against free radicals

The term antioxidant is used to describe the cellular protection function against the damaging effects of free radicals. “Our body’s cells are constantly subject to toxic damage by the formation of free radicals, which come from reactions that occur in the cell membrane, and are responsible for the occurrence of various diseases and degenerative processes in the human body”, explains Bruno Ganem.

Still according to the doctor, in the arteries of the heart, free radicals can cause damage to the arterial wall, “which contribute to the formation of fat plaques and possible obstruction of the blood vessel, which can lead to myocardial infarction. The role of these antioxidant substances is to ‘capture’ free radicals, preventing them from causing cell damage”, adds the cardiologist.

Berries help prevent cardiovascular disease (Image: Shutterstock)

important vitamins

Somevitamins present in fruits are more effective in preventing cardiovascular disease. “Among the main nutrients that have an antioxidant action in the body are vitamins A, C and E and carotenoids, such as lycopene, which is present in red fruits, and beta-carotene, which is a precursor of Vitamin A”, lists Bruno Ganem.

protecting the arteries

The cardiologist explains that the efficiency ofrole of antioxidants present in fruits depends on the ingestion of adequate amounts of the nutrient so that it can act directly in the protection of the organism.

“Such compounds act by protecting lipids, which are fats, present in the bloodstream, from oxidation. It is the oxidation of fat that contributes to the formation of plaque in the coronary arteries. By preventing such oxidation, we prevent the accumulation of fat and the formation of plaque in the arteries”, illustrates Bruno Ganem.

Advantages of Vitamins E and C

According to Bruno Ganem, the vitamin C it also acts on the integrity of the vascular tissue, because it favors the formation of collagen, which gives elasticity and preserves the vessel, protecting it from possible damage, in addition to the vasodilator and anticoagulant effect.

“Vitamin E has a very significant effect in the prevention of diseases of the heart arteries, also by preventing the oxidation of fats, however, in an even more effective way than Vitamin C”, he concludes.

Source: Maxima

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