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Julie Kruzylak, director of negotiation agency ADN Group, met with ten top negotiators to understand the keys to their performance and help us negotiate better and build a life we love.
They are company directors, humanitarians, anesthesiologists, lawyers, bank directors… Their work takes them step by step to negotiate the conditions they want to achieve. What can we learn from their experience to improve ours? Julie Kruzilak asked. Being the head of an agency specializing in this complex discipline, she knows that women are generally afraid of these “difficult discussions”, as they are called in English. away, Jules Kruzilak’s work (1) questions what these women’s power is, the central axis beyond the common.And what we can learn from it to better understand and get what is really important to us every day.
Madame Figaro: How do we negotiate the life we like? Did you find the answer?
Source: Le Figaro